Towards the last week of 2020, I began thinking about what most people do towards the end of a year- New Year’s resolutions. I myself, have never been one to follow them past January. For some reason, the thought of working out consistently is actually the last thing I want to do and I really set myself up for failure time and time again. However this year, I made two resolutions that I actually wanted to stick to. Firstly, I wanted to get in shape. I know what you’re thinking- wow that is such a unique and original resolution. But this year I finally bought an Apple Watch and have been trying to stick to being at least a little active every day. It will be interesting to see how much I interact with it throughout the day during the mobile assignment. The second resolution I chose was to be on my phone less. I thought about things I would actually want to follow throughout the year and what would help improve myself. I decided that using my phone less would be a great step in the right direction. Although through this assignment, I will probably be on my phone for more than I would hope, I have decided it’s for educational purposes so I really can’t blame myself If I’m on Tik-Tok for hours.
9am: I hear my alarm going off steps away from my bed. I quickly get up and turn it off, while simultaneously jumping back into bed. It is too early today. After lying in bed for another 30 minutes, debating on what I should make for breakfast, I finally reach for my phone.
9:30am: The first thing I see is a Tik-Tok notification. I open the app and begin mindlessly scrolling through out the app until I switch over to Instagram to catch up on what I missed throughout the night. I notice there are some bachelorette spoilers on Instagram. I missed the episode from the night before, so I quickly exit the app before I spoil anything for myself.
As I have roughly 120 apps on my phone, in the morning, I tend to only reach for social media apps such as Instagram and Tik-Tok as those are the most exciting and I am the most eager to look at them. My top 5 apps on my phone are currently Instagram, Tik-Tok, Apple Music (please no judgement, I am in too deep with playlists on Apple Music to make the switch over to Spotify), Twitter and the Podcast app. Before the pandemic, food delivery service apps and Uber would have been in the top 5 but I have not been using them as much now.
I like my top 5 apps because they all allow me to zone out and not focus too heavily on anything. I have 2 dogs that I take for a walk everyday so I have really been getting into podcasts as I can listen to them on my walk through my apple watch. My current least used apps are my Air Canada and West Jet app for obvious reasons, some random games I downloaded but forgot they were even on my phone and lastly, my Uber and food delivery apps as stated above.
10am: Before making breakfast, I check up on my Gmail and Outlook. I notice a few emails from my Professors at school, so I make a mental note to go look at it later.
10:15am: While eating my breakfast, I begin to catch up on YouTube videos from some of my favourite creators. As 30 minutes pass, I decide that I will try and finish 2 quizzes due the following week. I use my Music app to fill the silence and turn on Taylor Swifts album “Evermore”.
12:00pm- After I finished some schoolwork, I got a mid-day notification on my apple watch telling me to get moving. I try and narrow down which workout I will do today and ultimately decide on a 30-minute YouTube workout. My watch tracks my fitness levels and time and then gives me information at the end of the workout regarding bpm, calories, duration etc.
Micro moment #1: want to relax
2:00pm: I noticed my dogs are wanting to go for a walk so I take both of them on an hour walk around my neighbourhood. I love this time to listen to podcasts, but also to be able to take a break from using my mobile devices and get some fresh air. It is a great way to distract myself and relax, so after the walk I felt very refreshed but also accomplished.
Micro moment #2: want to buy
3:00pm: I get home and immediately without even thinking, click on the Instagram app and begin scrolling and watching people’s stories. I notice a post regarding a new clothing launch from a brand I have been interested in. I click their profile and click the link through their profile that leads me to their website. I notice the sweater is in stock and they have my size, so I immediately purchase it through my phone.
Mobile Friction
When going to purchase the sweater through my phone at home, for some reason the order wasn’t going through, and I wasn’t able to enter my information. The page will not reload, and I am very confused behind the reasoning for it. I pick up my laptop and then place the order through there and it finally goes through. Although frustrating, I was excited to finally get the confirmation that they received my order.
4:00pm: As it was turning towards the end of the day, I placed my phone down and watched some television with my mom. I began to prep for dinner and looked up a chicken recipe online on my phone. I have been trying to elevate my basic cooking skills and I’ve found a lot of great recipes online.
7:00pm: After dinner, I tend not to reach for my phone as often, I generally watch a few YouTube video’s on laptop and then end the night with watching a show on my tv.
10:00pm: I get ready for bed and do one last social media scroll that usually leads into at least an hour on Tik-Tok. I check my social media and email notifications and then turn all my alarms on for the following morning that I will ultimately snooze for an extra 30 minutes.
Marketing perspective:
In a marketing perspective, I think a key insight that I can extract from my user behaviour is seeing how quickly I shift from platform to platform. Brands and company’s need to know that users have a low attention span while using social media and want information immediately, so it needs to be shown quick or else they get bored and move on.